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Video: CareerShift Introduction

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“Absolutely essential” job search tool

That’s what CareerShift users say

Job Search Search 16M+ jobs, save job searches, explore largest database of internships.
Company Contacts Research companies of interest and create a target list – even if they don’t have job openings.
Job Contacts Build a network. 220M+ professional contacts with 150M+ direct email addresses.
Organize Search and Contacts Organize your job search. Manage resumes and cover letters, track applications.
Personal Job Marketing Campaigns Unlock hidden job opportunities.New connections can lead to referrals to “unposted” jobs.
Manage Anywhere, Anytime Learn best practices. Guidance on writing a winning resume and cover letter, networking best practices and more.

Powerful tools for job search and career success

CareerShift is used by over 300 institutions and tens of thousands of student and alumni

This section background image shows a global world-map with a blue background and countries shaded in gray. There are specific countries highlighted and shaded in orange which represent the coverage that CareerShift provides.

Job, Contact & Company Searches from around the World

Looking for a job abroad? CareerShift includes professional contacts, companies, and jobs in North America, South America, Europe, Australia, and more.

Representative Schools

Getting Started is Easy

Learn CareerShift best practices with free training, and visit us at an upcoming conference.

Upcoming Webinars

CareerShift hosts regular webinars that review how to use the platform to create a network of relevant industry contacts, develop a target list of companies, uncover job opportunities, and much more. < View the calendar >

CareerShift Events

Mountain Pacific ACE (MPACE) 2024
San Diego, CA December 4-6, 2024

Southern ACE (SOACE) 2024
Orlando, FL December 8-11, 2024