Job Seeker

October 19, 2021
job search tips

3 Ways to Retain Essential Information During the Job Search

Organization is key when you’re on the job search, especially if you’re holding out for the right role and may be on the hunt for months. […]
July 12, 2021
personal branding

It’s Time You Get Your Personal Brand Noticed

As you begin to search for a job, something to consider is your personal branding. Your online presence and persona are available to more than just […]
July 7, 2021

4 Tactics to Improve the Way Students Accept a Job Offer

When graduation is right around the corner, everyone wants to accept a job offer as fast as they can. It’s an enormous weight off their shoulders […]
June 28, 2021

3 Mindful Ways to Negate Job Search Depression

It’s no surprise that there is a strong link between unemployment and poor mental health. The job search process is strenuous, rejection is demoralizing, and loss […]
June 4, 2021

4 Skills Recent Grads Can Use to Leverage Pandemic Experience

This post was updated in September of 2022 Businesses shut down nationwide during the global pandemic, and many never reopened quite the same. Remote roles have […]
April 19, 2021
resume writing services

Finding Resume Writing Services in a Pandemic

Despite the pause the world felt due to the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people are still entering the workforce for the first time. One of the […]
February 15, 2021
virtual career fair

How to Impress Recruiters at a Virtual Career Fair

Due to the ongoing pandemic, virtual career fairs continue to grow in popularity. According to a survey by Yello, nearly 80% of recruiters plan to leverage […]
November 30, 2020

To Shift or Not to Shift During the Pandemic

We’re not out of the woods with COVID-19. Cases are climbing higher than ever across much of the US, leaving folks in a constant state of […]
November 9, 2020
job hunt

3 Ways to Pull the Plug on Holiday Job Hunt Pressure

It’s no secret: 2020 has been a mess of stress for pretty much everyone. I don’t know anyone who isn’t pumped to turn the corner and […]
July 6, 2020
virtual job

6 Tips to Land a Job In A Virtual Work Environment

Given the demands of social-distancing and closures, many businesses have been forced to re-examine what the modern office looks like. Hint: it looks very familiar — […]
May 4, 2020
job search strategy

Job Search Strategy FAQs: What to Do When the Market Takes a Hard Turn

Market turns are not kind to job seekers. Whether you recently graduated from college or decided it was time for a career change, your job search […]
April 6, 2020

How College Graduates Can Gain Work Experience During a Global Crisis

You’re entering what should be one of the most exhilarating and monumental moments of your life. Usually, this period is filled with anticipation of what’s to […]