To play a great job search game, you need a great team. On your defensive line, you have your network, co-workers, and supervisors past and present. […]
No more resumes. No more cover letters. No more practice interviews. No more sending in applications and not-so-patiently waiting. Melanie just got a job offer call […]
Whether it’s a phone interview, video interview, or background check, most employers screen potential candidates. This helps employers determine whether it’s worth sending an individual to […]
As students prep for the upcoming school year by purchasing textbooks and school supplies, job seekers also need to prepare for their job search. From using […]
Networking is an important and vital part of the job hunt, yet many job seekers are actually shooting themselves in the foot during the networking process. […]
Regardless of the type of profession you’re in, the technology, tools, and strategies you use in the workplace are constantly evolving. Because of these rapid changes, […]
A study recently released by an assistant professor of psychology at Penn State University and two of his colleagues found that job seekers who participate in […]
Whether it’s general advice, or advice specifically targeted to your career, there are few “one-size-fits-all” pieces of advice that will truly provide value to you. While […]