Over the years, job-hopping amongst young employees has been associated with laziness and a lack of drive and commitment — all negative traits employees want nothing […]
As a career counselor who helps college-aged individuals navigate jobs and internships, you know the importance of gaining relevant experience before graduation. But did you know […]
Appearance can make or break your chances of landing a job in an instant. An April 2015 study from the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology […]
When people hear the term ‘etiquette,’ they tend to think of stuffy, formal dinner parties that involve too many forks, white linen napkins, and uncomfortable suits […]
An April 2014 report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) asked companies to identify the top competencies they consider to be an “essential […]
Hiring practices have changed dramatically over recent years, with several new trends completely redesigning the recruiting landscape. A major part of the hiring process is the […]